Operation: "Friends of America"
How Trump Can Harness the Migrant Invasion to Ensure Victory & Restore the Rule of Law
It’s 11:59 in America.
Why are We Being Invaded?
Articles Re: Illegal Alien Voting
The “Battle of the Bulge” is On
Trump Needs to Counter by Going Full Costanza
“Friends of America” - How Trump Trades a Limited Number of Citizenships to 100,000 - 200,000 Migrants in Exchange for Migrants Turning State’s Evidence Over to Trump-Aligned State AGs to Use that Evidence to Roll Up the Illegal Voter Registration Syndicate
Believing You Are a Citizen is Only One of the Three Required Elements The Law Lists in Order for Non-citizens to be Exempted from Prosecution for Voting Illegally
Get the Evidence into the Hands of the State AGs for Prosecution
Trump’s Rally Admonitions to Those Illegally Registered to Vote
Trump Challenges Gavin Newsome to Join Him
MAGA Can Use “Friends of America” to Shatter The BORG’s White Supremacy Myth
The Texas/SCOTUS Issue
“Olly Olly Oxen Free”
Why are We Being Invaded?
We are a mere weeks from voting in the most consequential election of our lifetimes amid an unprecedented illegal migrant invasion.
This page suggests a way forward that could quickly resolve a hotly-debated major point of contention.
There are two extremely polarized points of view.
Democrats brought this migrant wave here because they are compassionate no matter the cost and it certainly had nothing to do with registering them to vote in order to steal the country because that is already illegal, which is their position;
orDemocrats brought the migrants here illegally to use as replacement citizens and illegally registered them to vote by engaging in organized election fraud racketeering using NGOs and others for the purpose of bloating the voter rolls to seize the country and put an end to the U.S. Constitution, which they deny.
In its simplest expression, the question boils down to:
Is the Globalist/Democrat/Rino/CIA MockingbirdMedia apparatus, hereafter “The BORG,” committing treason/waging war against We the People?
Below are various stories discussing this question. This is a hot topic. You are encouraged to “do your own research.” Most of you reading this post already know where the battle lines are drawn.
If you haven’t ventured down these rabbit holes much, be my guest. Otherwise, skip over the articles and consider the idea that follows as a way of quickly, transparently and definitively resolving this basic question.
Articles Re: Illegal Alien Voting
Are Americans Worried About Illegals Voting? Here’s What the Data Says…
Americans are increasingly concerned about noncitizen voters illegally casting ballots in federal elections. New data from Rasmussen Reports indicates that 55 percent of American voters believe it is likely that noncitizens influence election results where they live. The polling data suggests that noncitizen voters are beginning to receive attention among the electorate after being dismissed by the corporate media for years.
Study: 10% to 27% of Non-Citizens Are Illegally Registered to Vote
By James D. Agresti
May 13, 2024
Based on the latest available data and an enhanced version of a stress-tested methodology from a scholarly journal, a new study by Just Facts has found that about 10% to 27% of non-citizen adults in the U.S. are now illegally registered to vote.
The U.S. Census recorded more than 19 million adult non-citizens living in the U.S. during 2022. Given their voter registration rates, this means that about two million to five million of them are illegally registered to vote. These figures are potentially high enough to overturn the will of the American people in major elections, including congressional seats and the presidency.
Noncitizen voting isn’t an issue in federal elections, regardless of conspiracy theories. Here’s why
Democrat Claims Non-Citizens Voting in U.S. Elections 'Doesn’t Exist'
Sarah Arnold | September 04, 2024 7:30 PM
The lawsuit comes at a time when Democrats are downplaying concerns that illegal immigrants are voting in the country’s elections.
Democrat Sen. Mark Kelly (D-AZ) insisted that non-citizens voting is a problem that “doesn’t exist.”
Elon connects the dots in Dems’ election fraud plot, and he’s 100% spot-on…
September 5, 2024
So, how do we fight back against this massive cheating machine? Well, we certainly don’t throw our hands in the air and give up. We need to be diligent, anticipate the tricks the Dems will pull, and counter their efforts. We also need to be willing to get down in the mud a lot more than we currently do. Democrats play dirty, and you can’t win a fight against them by taking the so-called “high road.” And most importantly, we need to show up in droves for President Trump. If we don’t, whatever happens next will be on us.
… Okay, so that’s the migrant election fraud controversy.
The “Battle of the Bulge” is On
The BORG is committed to jamming “We the People” into 15-minute cities where we will own nothing and be happy as we dine on McCricket rations until our expiration dates. (You will get extra if you’re not naughty. So at least there’s that.)
Hmmm. Do you think The BORG’s vision of the future will respect your right to self-governance, self-rule, self-determination? No, of course not. Your freedom is a bug in their new world order, not a feature. “Get Over Yourself.” (I think that’s what Google changed their motto to after they jettisoned, “Don’t be Evil.”)
So it appears this momentous election can be distilled down to one revealing question which, coincidentally, has been rendered unanswerable by design.
“Has The BORG surreptitiously and illegally registered these migrants to vote in our elections to seize and enslave the last bulwark standing against humanity’s capture or are they just nice people who spend our money frivolously due to their ‘feels?’”
This confrontation is taking on a biblical air. The BORG has spent decades setting up a defensive ring to hide their illegal ballots from “racist election deniers.”
Elon says their electioneering design “makes it completely impossible to prove fraud.”
It’s hard not to agree with Elon once you’ve examined the system’s architecture. The design looks to have been engineered with intentional blind spots preventing any external probes from reaching the truth.
So the line of demarcation between the sides has been drawn. We have arrived at the decisive “Battle of the Bulge” of this information war.
What is the truth? Without incontrovertible demonstrable facts, the voters will not have the truth to inform their votes on the direction of this nation; leaving the divide to fester during the multiple post-election days of counting “ballots” that did not happen in the 1970s with paper ballots.
So that’s it. We’re all basically screwed. There is no way to get at the truth of this matter….
… unless…
unless, despite the lateness of the hour there actually IS a way, without court intervention to answer the question definitively; like a spectacle. An event so momentous it leaves voters speechless; something that would leave Barnum & Bailey’s mouths agape.
But what avenue could The BORG possibly have left unguarded? They have been exquisitely malevolent. They’ve left no flank open. This is horsesh……
Well. Get ready for some straight-up crazy.
Trump Needs to Counter by Going “Full Costanza”
Brace yourself. And MAGA you need to really brace yourself because this may look like a bottle of Ipecac coming at you, but I’m telling you, you’re going to realize that it’s filled with a fine wine instead.
If you’re going after a structure built by The BORG, you’re going to have to attack it counter-intuitively. The BORG has all the money in the world which means if they thought of it, you can expect that route to be blockaded. Money’s no object, so anything involving conventional thinking is a non-starter.
So what does that leave us with? It leaves us with this. Trump needs to go “Full Costanza.”
This is a tactic well-known to Seinfeld fans, George Costanza’s “Do the Opposite” principle.
The episode of Seinfeld called, “The Opposite,” is ranked #3 by Variety in the entire series. The meme below captures the look on George’s face at the instant he realizes doing the opposite of his instincts is the lifelong hidden secret to getting what he wants, as his wildly counter-intuitive pickup line on a woman out of his league scores a direct hit.
So what would be an “opposite” move to fend off The BORG’s attack on America that “Klaus and the Penetrators” may not have anticipated?
Okay, here it is. Gather round.
Operation “Friends of America” - How Trump Trades a Limited Number of Citizenships for 100,000 - 200,000 Migrants in Exchange for Migrants Turning State’s Evidence Over to Trump-Aligned State AGs Who Use that Evidence to Roll Up The Illegal Voter Registration Syndicate
Here’s what that looks like.
Rather than meeting the 20-million-migrant invasion head-on in the courts, Trump announces that he is joining with the governors of Texas, Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Idaho and others in an emergency effort to shore up the integrity of our elections in a campaign called “Operation: Friends of America.”
The governors and the attorneys general of those states will offer immunity/amnesty to non-citizens for having violated state law by registering to vote/voting but only if they come forward and acknowledge their illegal acts by (date). This is only amnesty/immunity for the election crimes; nothing else. But it would move them off the high priority deportation list when Trump gets back in.
To claim immunity, the non-citizens will be required to identify the county where they have an active voter registration(s).
The fraudulent voter registration(s) must have been on county voter rolls before (insert date of Trump’s announcement). [This is to deter non-citizens from rushing to register to vote due to this announcement.]
Upon confirmation of the existence of the registration(s), the non-citizens will voluntarily sign a cancellation of said voter registration(s).
Since being an alien and registering to vote and illegally voting are state crimes the immunity offered by the governors would not extend to the federal level.
Trump will announce that upon taking office, he will issue federal immunity/pardons for aliens who committed federal election crimes if they cancel their registrations and report their past election fraud history by (date). The aliens will file their “Friends of America” (FOA) immunity claims with the participating governors’ offices.
The offer of immunity from both criminal prosecution and the entry bar for aliens who illegally vote in our elections should motivate illegally registered non‑citizens to come out of hiding and cancel their registrations.
Believing You Are a Citizen is Only One of the Three Required Elements The Law Lists in Order for Noncitizens to be Exempted from Prosecution for Voting Illegally
The federal immigration statute defining who is inadmissible states, “Unlawful voters” are barred from entry into the country. This code is often miscited.
Commenters say there is an exception for voting illegally if the alien believes they are a citizen. But that’s only one of the conditions. There are two other conditions listed under subsection (c) which would likely disqualify 99+% of the Biden/Harris aliens from the exception.
18 USC §611. Voting by aliens
(a) It shall be unlawful for any alien to vote in any election held solely or in part for the purpose of electing a candidate for the office of President, Vice President, Presidential elector, Member of the Senate, Member of the House of Representatives, Delegate from the District of Columbia, or Resident Commissioner, unless-
(b) Any person who violates this section shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than one year, or both.
(c) Subsection (a) does not apply to an alien if-
(1) each natural parent of the alien (or, in the case of an adopted alien, each adoptive parent of the alien) is or was a citizen (whether by birth or naturalization);
(2) the alien permanently resided in the United States prior to attaining the age of 16; and
(3) the alien reasonably believed at the time of voting in violation of such subsection that he or she was a citizen of the United States.
Getting immunity from criminal prosecution and waiving the entry bar for having illegally voted is a considerable level of motivation for the aliens to come forward and cancel their registrations, as they have those election crimes hanging over them.
Considering that we stand at the cusp of losing the country to The BORG, Trump should juice up the offer and supercharge the motivation for aliens to come out of hiding and claim immunity.
He can do that by offering, through legislation upon taking office, a limited number of aliens a Friends of America green card/Fast Track citizenship pass in addition to the federal immunity for the first 50,000 or so aliens who are illegally registered to vote to come forward and submit to the law, assuming they would otherwise qualify for entry.
Some patriots may not like the idea of rewarding illegal aliens with a green card after they ignored the law of the land by illegally crossing the border and then registering to vote or even voting in our elections. It is considered a slap in the face to our sovereignty as citizens. It’s offensive. Few Americans would ever attempt to vote in another country’s elections.
All true. But also remember that we do routinely offer immunity from prosecution to people who “turn state’s evidence” to facilitate the capture of bigger fish.
The common sense question is: Does it make sense to let 100,000 - 200,000 green cards/citizenships stand between America getting back on track or falling irretrievably into the ash heap of history?
After everything we’ve witnessed with this invasion, the average American’s knee jerk reaction to this green card idea is justifiably utter revulsion. But you should embrace that revulsion! That revulsion is a good thing because that is exactly why this tactic can work to restore the republic. The BORG never wargamed for this approach and their flank is wide open to it.
If you look at the millions of illegals that Omega4America is saying are registered to vote and then you look at the results of the Texas effort to clean the voter rolls that netted just 6,500 non-citizen registrations out of the one million ineligible registrations removed, it’s obvious we’ll never get anywhere hunting for them at that rate.
Victory is achieved by indisputably proving that The BORG’s illegal aliens are registered to vote in sufficient numbers to affect the outcome of our elections. In order to do that we need the aliens to turn state’s evidence and that’s why Trump should offer the FOA green card/citizenship legislation.
The aliens’ documentary and testimonial evidence is gold. It is the end of The BORG’s lie. It will reveal the syndicate of NGOs etc. that are involved in this illegal voter registration racket. The evidence will be handed to the state AGs in exchange for immunity and a FOA green card/citizenship pass.
Get the Evidence into the Hands of the State AGs for Prosecution
We need to get the evidence into the hands of the state AGs so they can roll up The BORG’s operation. The criminals who are attacking us through this racket will be exposed and indicted with daily perp walks for all to see.
The FOA offer is the key to drawing the aliens out. Trump, by offering a limited number of these, can create an Oklahoma Land Rush sensation. Human nature takes over. FOMO - Fear of Missing Out.
Instead of continuing with this fruitless Hide and Seek hunt for the illegal voter registrations, all Trump has to do is yell, “Olly Olly Oxen Free” to the horror of The BORG.
Imagine Trump rallies with people holding placards that say “Friends of America – Olly Olly Oxen Free.”
This will put the left in a panic trying to figure out how to keep those migrants who registered to vote illegally from exposing the left’s lies by coming forward and cancelling their illegal voter registrations.
Think about it. The BORG has put a defensive ring around their illegal voter registrations expecting the attack from without. The BORG is wholly unprepared for the aliens from within rushing out to get a Trump FOA green card pass.
As the 50,000 available FOA green cards start to dwindle, it will cause a Black Friday rush to apply for immunity. Trump can play this by releasing another 10,000 FOA commitments periodically to keep the pressure on The BORG as they witness their illegal ballot mules flip on them en masse. The BORG’s whole plan hinged on the migrants’ loyalty. Bad choice. “The Great Reveal” incoming.
Trump’s Rally Admonitions to Those Illegally Registered to Vote
To increase the pressure, Trump can add a stick to the carrot by loudly emphasizing the consequences of illegals not cancelling their voter registration and being discovered after the election.
Trump needs to emphasize at his rallies about how he is going to establish a task force to root out every single non-citizen who voted in the 2024 election as a top priority prosecution and deportation.
Trump can say something to this effect at his rallies:
Don’t be foolish enough to be a top priority deportation. Don’t be a patsy for the criminal syndicate. That’s a dumb thing to do when you can just claim immunity, cancel the illegal voter registration and get off the radar before you end up being a high priority to law enforcement when I get back in the White House.
If you think just not voting is good enough to save you, you’re wrong. I’m told it’s highly probable that your illegal ballot will be harvested and voted for you, Making You The Criminal! They are going to frame you! Don’t let that happen. Take it from me, it’s not fun when these people frame you. Believe me.
Cancel your illegal voter registration, NOW! It’s a beautiful thing, coming over to the side of law and order. It’s a beautiful thing. America is going back to law and order.
When I take office, non-citizens who did not take advantage of this very generous offer of immunity to clean up our elections will pay for that horrible decision. It’s that simple. If you’re not a U.S. citizen, do not illegally register to vote or vote in our elections or you can expect to suffer terrible consequences. America is returning to the Rule of Law and you don’t want to be on the wrong side of that.
Trump Challenges Gavin Newsome to Join Him
Trump can challenge all governors to join this election integrity project. “Olly Olly Oxen Free, Come Out Come Out Wherever You Are. Immunity and a Friend of America Fast Pass awaits those who confess their election crimes. Come and get it. Tell us all about who registered you to vote. Tell the nice state Attorney General.”
How is Gavin Newsome going to explain not offering illegals immunity in exchange for contributing to America’s election integrity? It’s quite an odd predicament for a blue governor to navigate.
Imagine the illegals in California demanding Newsome grant immunity because they don’t want to miss out on Trump’s FOA offer.
The BORG can’t afford to see massive cancellations of their illegal ballots and exposure of their organized criminal election fraud syndicate.
If Trump doesn’t win, then his FOA offer is void anyway as the offer is contingent on him taking office. So there’s low risk and potential high reward in Trump doing this. The tactic has no discernable downside.
When Trump wins, we dole out 100,000 up to 200,000 or so FOA green card/Fast Pass citizenships. It’s a small price to pay to win this battle and keep America afloat while we repair it.
No one, not Elon and not The BORG expects Trump to offer green cards/citizenship to entice illegals to deliver state’s evidence to state attorneys general for prosecution.
The BORG has no defense for this because their crimes are already of record. They just never considered that their migrants might flip on them. It’s completely out of left field; not on their dance card. Divide and conquer.
A democrat attack on this Friends of America campaign should not exist because they claim there are NO illegals registered to vote, so Trump is making his offer to ghosts.
They should support the effort and say, “Good Idea, Trump! Go Ahead. We need your MAGA people to see the results of doing this.” But something tells me they would panic like we found the combination to their safe.
MAGA Can Use “Friends of America” to Shatter The BORG’s White Supremacy Myth
There is a noticeable instinctive revulsion from MAGA at first blush with talk of immunity, amnesty, green cards and citizenship. But, remember the number offered is limited and the offer is being extended in exchange for illegal voter registrations being cancelled and state’s evidence turned over to send these syndicate operators scrambling for non-extradition havens with state AGs on their asses.
This tactic exposes The BORG’s flank to the mercurial impulses of their migrants who may elect to jump on the Trump Train because they believe Trump’s going to be elected and they want to stay so they may rush to switch sides before Trump’s commitment runs out.
Some say those here illegally would not trust such an offer from Trump but the reality is that Trump is the only one who actually can offer this plan. MAGA is the gatekeeper of citizenship. The BORG tosses citizenship around like its Halloween candy; like it’s worthless. MAGA does not. MAGA support is the key to using this tactic.
MAGA is also the biggest impediment to allowing Trump to launch the operation as MAGA’s initial resistance is a natural outgrowth of a “do the opposite” strategy. If Friends of America is going to leave the Trump launchpad, MAGA must lead by exhorting Trump to do it so he knows this has the support of his base.
To further assuage that roiling in your MAGA tummy, think about this.
The BORG has wargamed this attack on humanity for decades. This corruption of our elections is their coup de grâce in attaining their goal of enslaving the human race. We stand in the breach.
As MAGA knows only too well, part of The BORG’s evil battle plan to enslave humanity was to split America down racial lines by fabricating their “white supremacy” narrative while laying down endless streams of cover fire from the CIA’s MockingbirdMedia squealing “raaacist, raaacist, raacist” 24/7.
All Americans were asking for was the Rule of Law. All they got in return from The BORG were their wicked smears and a weaponized government.
“Friends of America” is a plan that not only seeks the evidence necessary to empower law enforcement through state AGs, but it’s an opportunity to expose The BORG’s raaacism cover fire as a fraud.
MAGA will reach out to those committed to living under the Rule of Law, regardless of race, who demonstrate their commitment to help America re-establish that Rule of Law by turning state’s evidence on the criminal syndicate. MAGA will welcome them with open arms as new Americans, proving MAGA is concerned with the content of the migrant’s character, not the color of their skin.
The Texas/SCOTUS Issue
Finally, there’s one more point to make and this is very important. We saw in 2020 how the Supreme Court denied Texas standing to challenge another state’s election.
Trump should also ask the participating governors to take applications from aliens who may be registered in other states that are not joining in the state immunity offer.
This is important because the states that will not cooperate are likely the blue states who are trying to hide the illegal registrations and don’t want the illegals showing themselves and cancelling their registrations.
We want to collect the illegal registration information in non-participating states because that evidence may establish standing in court by documenting the fact that there is a multi-state organized criminal conspiracy to illegally register illegal aliens to vote in numbers sufficient to affect election outcomes all over the country. Such evidence did not exist in 2020.
Demonstrating the existence of this criminal conspiracy could cause the Supreme Court to reconsider whether a state does have an interest in other state’s elections when those other states are allowing non-citizens to skew their elections, which is unconstitutional. States did not enter the union with the understanding that their president would be chosen by non-citizens.
“Olly Olly Oxen Free”
“Operation: Friends of America.”
It doesn’t take much to implement it. Trump just has to get some governors on board, make the announcement and watch The BORG short-circuit.
“Olly Olly Oxen Free”